
Friday, February 29, 2008


Not yet signed in to openID?
If not I am certain you will like to do so eventually. The following details by Sam Ruby has been instructive for me.

"Getting an OpenID URL for your blog" on the
blogger buzz dashboardwas informative for me.
This took me to Sam Ruby.
The passage below is an excerpt from Sam Ruby's tutorial at intertwingly.
If you have an OpenID identity and a blog, then follow these instructions. If you don't have an OpenID identity, you can get one for free at MyOpenID.

Here's mine.[Sam Ruby's]
Here is Dr. Ashok Koparday's.
Given such an identity, copy the following into the head section of your weblog, adjusting the two URIs as appropriate:

bracket link rel="openid.server" href="" /bracket close d
bracket link rel="openid.delegate" href="" /bracket closed

That's pretty much it. What this says is that the web page in question is owned by the owner of and furthermore may be used to verify ownership of

By claiming your blog or homepage in this fashion, you can then use your URI (i.e., the URI of your blog or homepage) as your identity. Having this level of indirection is a good thing. If you ever become dissatisfied with your identity provider for whatever reason, you can easily and transparently switch providers.
When done, feel free to

check your setup.

OpenID for Non-Super Users by Sam Ruby

Further details follow in

RECAP (Most of which is beyond my understanding as of today)
Astute readers will note that I still have the link in my main weblog home page. That's a fallback for consumers that don't (yet) support YADIS.

All told: I signed up for one free service, installed and tailored one PHP script, added one line to my weblog template, created one simple XML file and added a total of four lines to my .htaccess files.

On Fast Track
Dr. Ashok Koparday

And here is the rest of it.

Read more On "get-openID"!


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