The following is the comment I left for Virginia De Bolt at
Hello Virginia,
I am reading your article
"Make your site mobile friendly," dated Monday, May 14th, 2007 at
I find it useful.
I offer free expert medical opinion on line. I wish to make it available on mobile too.
What I seek
I am learning to make a website that is mobile friendly.
I invite any web knowledge/skill input to enable people to benefit.
What I know
I have now learned most of the basics of xhtml and constantly refer to w3school.
What I think I need to know
I see the need to learn css and php.
I welcome
I respect your knowledge. Candid suggestions are welcome.
I will appreciate help from any source, preferably, someone who shares the spirit of dedication that goes in rendering free community service.
With regards and best wishes,
Dr. Ashok Koparday