
Monday, December 31, 2007



I am developing an add-on "ASK THE DOCTOR" for Mozilla Firefox. "ASK THE DOCTOR" gives contextual medical info enriched with pictures + PLUS personalized expert medical opinion from me in the subject of my specialty.
I am confident that medical health professionals from other specialties will also join "ASK THE DOCTOR".
"HOW CAN MOZILLA FIREFOX IMPROVE?" _ _ _ read the complete post

I must confess that in order to move fast in developing "ASK THE DOCTOR" I need help from web tech professionals. I am completing 3 years of learning web tech. I am okay with the basics, but my wife will not allow me to stay awake overnight to learn web technology to produce seamlessly functioning ASK THE DOCTOR add on. Hence, it is imperative that I have some help from web tech people. Whether it is desktop or on mobile having "ASK THE DOCTOR" is having a doctor with you 24 x 7.

If web tech people give their expertise and precious time to open source projects, why can doctors not do it?

Earning Money-Win-Win situation
I know that children [I mean those at the grass root level] of developing countries can grow in web technology, so as to complement the market demands by providing their expertise. Both the demands of the market and need of the country folks are tied in a win win situation. For this developing countries have to embrace open source project, and grow with them in the World Wide Web. Buying original branded software is beyond the means of the MAJORITY (mind boggling billions) in the developing countries. Besides, IMPORTANT for me is not be stigmatized as software pirate of any MNC.

Can you help me getting Ubuntu live CD and installation CD? Wrong place to ask. I know.
Canonical had shipped me live CD. I got three, but none worked with my windows XP Professional SP II.

I would like to move away from Microsoft because I do not like to steal.

I wish to benefit from and enrich the open source project.
That is where my heart is.

Let us grow in mobile software, fast.
Best regards,
Dr. Ashok Koparday
Medical Director
Samadhan India
Center for Therapy, Education, Research in
Sex, Marriage, Relationships

Ex. Teaching Faculty
Seth G. S. Medical College and K. E. M. Hospital and
Grant Medical College and Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals
University of Mumbai, India

Member: Indian Medical Association
Maharashtra Medical Council Registration
Member: Family Planning Association of India
Fellow: Council of Sex Education and Parenthood [International] _ _ _ _ _sex matters

On Fast Track
Dr. Ashok Koparday

Read more On "mozilla-addons-and-me"!

Friday, December 28, 2007


nokia software updater
for revenue
google adsense for websites

Forum Nokia - Lite Browsing

More than four mobile phones are sold for every PC. There will be an estimated 1.3 billion mobile Internet users in 2008.

Forum Nokia - Lite Browsing

Mobile browsers support XHTML (the estimated installed base is over 1.5 billion in 2007).

Forum Nokia - Lite Browsing

mobile devices ( The W3C Mobile Web Initiative has released Mobile Web Best Practice 1.0 ( A number of recent tools help in developing and testing mobile sites (

google adsense for websites |

google adsense for websites.

On Fast Track
Dr. Ashok Koparday

Read more On "mobile-webdesign-1"!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


To cherish the inspired moment that came and went much
too quickly by capturing it with your mobile camera
is immensely satisfying. It does not call for heavy work,
spending many hours to get pictures that stand out.
Just let the shutter capture a special moment to make
it memorable life long.

Whether you are a beginner or a novice digital photographer, the white
balance of your photos will make or break the way your pictures turn out. It is
not hard to correct your white balance setting, before you begin taking
pictures, but if you don’t, it is extremely difficult to correct it in your pictures.

Mobile phones have given cameras in the hands of all.
Through the newly purchased high end mobile camera
Asmita (fictitious name)saw blue tinge. Was there
something wrong with the mobile or was the hyped
camera feature false? The mystery can be solved if
you know what is white balance.

White balance is NUMBER 1 difference between digital and film photography.
If you do not have the proper white balance the
photograph is unfixable.
So it is very important to pay attention to white
balance at all times.
Here is the beginning of my post.

Basically, white balance is known as the way the digital
camera adjusts to compensate for the kind of lighting
conditions in each scene. It is essential in creating the
true to life colors that digital photography is known for.
Knowing about white balance will give you years of
joyful reminiscence.

White balance is very important in digital photography
because a digital camera picks up pretty much every color
in an image, like a video camera does. If you have ever
used a digital camera and your images appear to have
a green or pinkish tone, then you are looking at the result
of not having the proper white balance.
Does the image of the sea shore at sunset appear dark and off color?
If so, it means your white balance is not proper.

It is very important that you always check the settings
of the digital camera of your mobile phone whenever you begin to
shoot pictures. There is nothing worse than spending
the day taking new photographs and then realizing that
your camera had the wrong settings.
Mobile phone --> Menu --> Camera icon
--> Adjust --> White balance.

White balance shows 4 options.
1 Automatic
For most mobile phones it is automatic, but the mobile
phones on the higher price range have other in built choices.
Through your view finder see the difference by
selecting each option.

How do you correct your white balance?

Unless a camera is over 5 mega pixels it may not have
the support features to allow it to take publication
quality photos.

With a digital camera, you can control
the white balance more easily than a traditional
film camera. You will need to
adjust your white balance to every different
lighting condition you encounter. Set it to Automatic
to play it safe unless you get blue or green tinge.

If you don’t check the white balance prior
to taking your pictures, you will be very
upset when they don’t appear as you
thought they would. Remember that it is
very hard to correct the white balance
once the pictures have been taken!

Your Guide to Digital Photography
FREE Mini Ebook Version
You are granted permission to distribute and share this book to anyone free of charge and
for any purpose, on the sole provision that it remains unedited in any way.
Rights reserved by

On Fast Track
Dr. Ashok Koparday.

Read more On "get-better-pictures-with-your-mobile-camera"!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


On fast track with Dr. Ashok Koparday
Exclusive report about Intel®'s foray in mobile world

Intel® taking a Leap in Mobile Computing
Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) & Ultra Mobile PCs (UMPCs)
The Purpose:
Freedom and flexibility to communicate with others, enjoy digital media, and access information anytime, anywhere - all using a smalUltra_Mobile_PC_from_Intel®l, ultra-mobile device.

Who's thMIDs-from-Intel®-Mobile-Internet-Devicee maestro?

What does Intel® focus to offer for the mobile users?
Watch the video of possible uses of Intel®'s technology for mobile users.

  • Access information, content and services when and where you want
  • Communicate via email, IM, chat, or blogging
  • Be entertained with videos, games, music, pictures or TV on the go
  • Be productive by monitoring office apps and tools
  • Bright LCD touch-screens

What makes Intel®'s Ultra Mobile PC different from other hand held devices?
Same thing as above said in thousand more words.
  • Productivity and Internet capabilities PC capability based on Intel® architecture and full-featured mainstream OSs, allowing consumers to run familiar applications
Rich Internet access to favorite websites to read news, download videos, search for friends and more
  • New ways to interact with and navigate information

  • Location adaptability Personalized information and services based on location
  • Environment recognition and adaptability
  • Interaction with devices in living room or car

Anytime connectivity+ Connectivity in a variety of ways via WPAN, WLAN, or WWAN
Always reachable via email, IM, chat, or VoIP
Always informed with the latest news to make educated business decisions and to stay in touch

Ultra mobility Small, thin, and light platform design
Power-efficient technologies enable long battery life to extend productivity
Access to content and information on-the-go

Goal of Intel®

Same thing summarized in few hundred words
In short, the MID and UMPC platform provides you with an opportunity to redefine how people think about mobility today and tomorrow. So what can you do?

Incorporate the MID and UMPC into your development and deployment plans
Focus your development to enable thinner, lighter, smaller MID and UMPC platforms
Design with low power in mind to enable long battery life
Accelerate the MID and UMPC Ecosystem: Platforms, peripherals, applications, content


Read more On "intel_into_mobile"!

Friday, November 2, 2007


Special message from: incharge kalwa saraswatbank
Original rendering by Porus P. Munshi
Date: Nov 1, 2007 1:37 PM

|                                               A TEACHER CALLED LAGAAN           |
|                                 Porus P. Munshi 
The film Lagaan is about many things —leadership, negotiation, team building, courage and, above all, project     |
|                   management by a first-time project leader.                    |
|                                                                                 |
|                                                                                 |
|                         A still from the film, Lagaan.                          |
|                                                                                 |
|The film Lagaan is about many things — leadership, negotiation, team building and|
|courage to name a few. But it's above all about project management by a          |
|first-time project leader.

A project is something with a definite beginning and a definite end, with a clear|
|objective to achieve with a limited number of resources. In the film, the project|
|is to beat the English cricket team in three months, using whatever resources    |
|(including human) that are locally available.                                    |
|                                                                                 |
|The project leader (PL), Aamir Khan, has a lot riding on this. His reputation,   |
|the survival of the region (or company), future growth and prosperity are all    |
|dependent on this crucial short-term project. The project comes to them when the |
|villagers go to protest a doubled tax rate imposed on them. They're given a      |
|choice: either pay the tax or agree to a cricket match. If they win the match,   |
|they don't pay tax for three whole years. If they lose, they pay a triple tax    |
|instead of the current double tax.                                               |
|                                                                                 |
|The challenge is posed directly to Aamir. The rest of the villagers want him to  |
|refuse the challenge. But he accepts. It's a major crisis. They have trouble     |
|paying twice the tax, how on earth will they pay three times the tax? But Aamir, |
|like most good leaders, recognises that a crisis is an opportunity. Whenever a   |
|crisis pops up, it's an opportunity for someone or everyone to shine and benefit.|
|                                                                                 |
|In a project, when crises occur, often the junior-most team members benefit      |
|first. When a project is running smoothly, these junior members are normally kept|
|on the sidelines and given minor tasks. But when a crisis erupts they suddenly   |
|become invaluable and are roped in directly to help out with the crisis. The     |
|crisis is an opportunity for them. If they do well — and most people do rise to  |
|challenges, they will no longer be considered as `junior' or `weak'. They become |
|full-fledged, respected members of the team.                                     |
|                                                                                 |
|For the PL, successfully handling a crisis increases not only his confidence and |
|his knowledge base, but also his status among team members and senior management.|
|He's seen as a capable leader ready for larger projects.                         |
|When Aamir begins his project, he does a detailed requirements gathering. He     |
|checks out the specifications, the dependencies and inter-dependencies, and how  |
|the parts make up the whole. He does this by observing the English practising at |
|their cricket, and also ropes in an attractive English lady to help him out. This|
|is what all effective PLs do. Carefully gather requirements — with or without    |
|attractive English ladies.                                                       |
|                                                                                 |
|In the beginning of a project, there's a lot of uncertainty and it's only        |
|compounded if improper specifications are gathered leading to work proceeding on |
|the wrong track. The rework necessary can easily throw a project way out of      |
|schedule. For instance in Lagaan, initially the bowlers do not bowl over arm but |
|instead chuck the ball. The English lady shows them how to bowl properly. Imagine|
|if they'd gone to the match after practising chucking for three months and found |
|out there that they were required to bowl over arm after all? Gathering          |
|requirements early in the project in as much detail as possible is vital to its  |
|success.                                                                         |
|                                                                                 |
|Project Leads play different roles depending on the situation. Some roles that   |
|Aamir played as a PL in Lagaan are: information provider, ideas and opinions     |
|shaper, tapper and developer of potential, provider of emotional, physical and   |
|social support.                                                                  |
|                                                                                 |
| Information provider: As information provider, Aamir ensures he shares with the|
|team all his ideas, skills, and feelings. He also ropes in an expert (the English|
|lady) to help out with knowledge transfer. Information leads to motivation.      |
|People feel good at being kept in the loop.                                      |
|                                                                                 |
| Ideas and opinion shaper: Aamir faces resistance when he wants to include a    |
|social outcast in the team. But he sticks to his guns as the man is a natural    |
|spinner. He insists that the project is of paramount importance. He              |
|                                                                                 |
|paints the larger picture and then speaks to individuals in the group addressing |
|their inner views, drives and fears. This is a wonderful example of how          |
|successful PLs handle resistance. They paint the larger picture and then address |
|individuals in the group and appeal to them directly. Don't give up when faced   |
|with resistance. Shape opinions to move the project forward.                     |
|                                                                                 |
| Developer of potential: A PL's role is also to identify and develop talent.    |
|Developing talent is done by structuring tasks around the individual's talent and|
|finding roles and situations where the talent can be used to great effect. For   |
|Aamir, a chicken farmer used to chasing and catching chickens is a natural       |
|fielder. A polio-stricken man with erratic control over his arm is a natural     |
|spinner. A woodcutter with hardened hands is a natural to field and stop hard    |
|hits. PLs constantly identify talent in their people and find areas where they   |
|can use it effectively.                                                          |
|                                                                                 |
| Support provider — emotional, physical and social: As a PL, Aamir knows that   |
|emotions are contagious. He therefore constantly exhibits optimism and           |
|enthusiasm. When things go wrong, people are naturally low and demotivated. The  |
|PL's role in providing emotional support either individually or to the group as a|
|whole becomes paramount. Throughout the project implementation stage (the actual |
|match), Aamir is everywhere - consoling someone who does poorly, motivating      |
|someone who is facing a block, soothing another who is heckled.                  |
|Physical support is again an important part of project leadership. While a PL is |
|not expected to do actual work like writing code, if he can sit in at critical   |
|junctures and provide the help required by doing the physical part of the work,  |
|his effectiveness can only grow. Physical support is like an extra hand given at |
|the steering wheel. The hand is not kept there. Support is given at a crucial    |
|juncture and then withdrawn.                                                     |
|                                                                                 |
|In Lagaan, a traitor is found out in the team and the rest are baying for his    |
|blood. But Aamir recognises that this man can be a valuable contributor and gives|
|him another chance. He provides the man with social support till the rest of the |
|team accepts him. Some members, especially after a failure can be shut out of the|
|team. The effective PL provides him the support necessary to sustain him till the|
|others accept him again. 

Conclusion                                                       |
|To conclude, Lagaan is a wonderful example of project management in action.      |
|Aamir, the PL, does a wonderful job of building the team, motivating it and      |
|guiding it to success, all the while managing the project too. A long time ago in|
|India ... we had PLs too.;

Read more On "Lagaan-Movie-Leadership-Tutorial"!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
by Robert Jones


WML it has been


XHTML MP (Mobile Profile).

WAP 2.0, an evolution of the delivery mechanism.


You must use double quotes around each attribute in a tag (such as align="center") and you must match each tag with a closing tag (such as

). That is, except for the tags that don't follow that rule, most notably
and . You have to write perfectly clean code or it will not be displayed on your phone. Trust me, this gets very frustrating very quickly.


you should install a WAP browser simulator on your PC. Simulators are essential tools for anyone developing content for phones. Running on your PC over a regular Internet connection, they load pages much faster than your phone, they avoid the frustrations of using the phone keypad, and they can provide information that helps debug problems. In fact, they are so useful that I recommend you install two of them!

The first, and easiest to install, is from Openwave and can be found at It is available for Windows only and is free of charge, but you do need to register with Openwave. The equivalent software from Nokia is available from Drill down through Tools and SDKs until you find the page for Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit 4.0. Again, the software is free, but you will need to register. You should download the entire toolkit, which includes a Mobile Browser Simulator (NMB), a WAP Gateway Simulator, and the toolkit itself (NMIT), which is an application containing editors for the markup languages, images, and multimedia messages. The simulators look like this :

The real benefit of installing the Nokia software is the NMIT, which provides "language-aware" editors for WML and XHTML MP. This is extremely useful in troubleshooting pages that do not display on your phone. Chances are the problem is XML-related, such as a failure to properly quote an attribute. This screenshot shows an example of that:

Robert Jones runs Craic Computing, a small bioinformatics company in Seattle that provides advanced software and data analysis services to the biotechnology industry. He was a bench molecular biologist for many years before programming got the better of him.

Read more On ""!




MP (Mobile Profile).

Wireless Markup Language (WML) as a first crack at the problem.

WML content is served by a regular HTTP server like Apache, but its delivery mechanism involves a gateway device that sits between the phone and the server. This mechanism is referred to as the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) and specifically, as WAP 1.0.

First of all, both WML and XHTML MP are XML-based languages

In Part 1, I will describe the basic features of the two main markup languages,

WML and XHTML MP, and will show how you serve them from a web server. In Part 2, I will show how you can identify the phone that has requested a page and deliver content that is tailored for that device.

Users in the UK alone downloaded 8 billion pages to their phones in 2003. A huge audience; but bear in mind that most of them are viewing sports scores or downloading custom ring tones, and not a lot else. The opportunity for developers like us to serve up imaginative and useful content to their phones is tremendous.

Read more On "wap"!


Well, a cool tool I just heard about for Flickr didn’t make it into my Flickr how-to. It’s the Hockniyzer from BigHugeLabs. I used the Hockeniyzer to make the goofy image. That’s a bonus Flickr clue that you won’t find in the eHow article.

Read more On "hockniyzer-bighugelabs"!


Comments worth noticing on make-your-site-mobile-friendly

Robert Nagle says (on June 2nd, 2007 at 3:14 pm )
This is an excellent article (definitely bookmarkable). However, one thing worth remembering is that ebooks and mobile RSS readers are also solving the platform-independence problem.
with ebooks, the mobipocket platform allows for lots of features and optimization for various mobile devices. Mobipocket even allows for RSS feeds to be wrapped up in a single binary file.
RSS readers remove design considerations altogether. My guess is that RSS readers, not webpages will be the reading method of choice on mobile devices.

Virginia says (on June 2nd, 2007 at 3:56 pm )
Excellent points. Thanks for adding this information to the comments.

Stefan says (on May 15th, 2007 at 6:14 pm )
Sometimes it is really crucial to create separate site for mobile browsers, not just applying different style sheet to an existing one. User experience on a mobile is different than on the desktop. Thus it is better to create mobile site from scratch and optimize design for it.

Virginia says (on May 15th, 2007 at 6:28 pm )
Stefan, You are right. I did mention something like that in the Tips for Bloggers section, but there is no reason why the idea should only apply to blogs.

Webmirer says

Very nice article indeed. I have since long been creating the mobile version of websites. Very well said by one of the visitors that if you are careful with the XTML, you are pretty much done. Also on the bit of testing, these days there are mobiles such as N80, N91, N95, E65 or for that matter any mobile which connect the internet using wlan is a good candidate for testing as well.

The only thing is that they probably will not understand the localhost on your local network, you have to host you website somewhere on the internet to access the actual website. Apart from that my pda works well for testing purposes for mobile css results. And it is better, as it can test anything on the network using wlan or bluetooth connection or active sync connection on the localhost.


Chandra says

Thinkvitamin rocks and one more good article from you guys.
just to add if you strictly follow content out approach and write your XHTML markup before touching your CSS, you are almost done with important primary things.

Read more On "make-your-site-mobile-friendly-comments"!



My comment on

Hello Virginia,
Today, first thing in the morning I searched Google for how to make mobile website.

Immediately I landed here.
I find the article useful.

I find the comments by
Robert Nagle (on June 2nd, 2007 at 3:14 pm ) and
Stefan (on May 15th, 2007 at 6:14 pm )
specially relevant to me.

I have already bookmarked this page and

I offer medical expertise in my specialty as free community service. Hence, I wish to make a mobile friendly web site with the idea that maximum people can benefit.

Compliments and thanks,
Dr. Ashok Koparday
Medical Director

[omitted -> Samadhan Sexual Science and Aesthetics
I am so long on your site and reading every word carefully, that I feel as though I have known you since long time.

Read more On "make-your-site-mobile-friendly"!

to Virginia De Bolt

The following is the comment I left for Virginia De Bolt at


Hello Virginia,


I am reading your article

"Make your site mobile friendly," dated Monday, May 14th, 2007 at

I find it useful.


I offer free expert medical opinion on line. I wish to make it available on mobile too.

What I seek

I am learning to make a website that is mobile friendly.

I invite any web knowledge/skill input to enable people to benefit.

What I know

I have now learned most of the basics of xhtml and constantly refer to w3school.

What I think I need to know

I see the need to learn css and php.

I welcome

I respect your knowledge. Candid suggestions are welcome.

I will appreciate help from any source, preferably, someone who shares the spirit of dedication that goes in rendering free community service.

With regards and best wishes,

Dr. Ashok Koparday



Free Ask Sexologist